Age Friendly London
Find out how Age Friendly London’s eight working groups () are implementing a three year plan to make London an Age Friendly Community for Seniors.
Third Age Outreach
Find out how this program for seniors has been offering specialized programs and services, educational opportunities, information, referrals, resources and special events promoting health and wellness, independence, positive aging and improved quality of life for London seniors for the last 30 years.
Health Canada
Access information about recalls, alerts, nutritional guidelines, and healthy living tips from the government.
Seniors Canada
Learn about resources for seniors, how to access benefits from the provincial and federal government, and information every older Canadian should know.
Home and Community Care Support Services
Ontario’s 14 Home and Community Care Support Services organizations coordinate in-home and community-based care for thousands of patients across the province every day.
City of London
Access the City of London’s website to find information about living and working in the City of London.
Alzheimer’s Society Southwest Partners
Visit this website to find out how the local chapter of the Alzheimer’s Society can help you or your loved ones living with Alzheimer’s find support and access resources.
South West Health Line
The is an online health and social services database. It connects people in Southwestern Ontario to accurate and updated information they need to stay healthy, get well, or help others.