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Elizabeth with June - At your Service for seniors
At your service for Seniors icon

Here is a checklist to help you determine the level of care or services your loved one could benefit from.

Our services can be changed or added at any time to ensure that we are always meeting your loved one’s unique homecare needs.

The answers you provide will help us guide you through the next steps.

    Needs help?



    FOOD: Does your loved one have problems getting groceries and making themselves nutritious meals ?


    SAFETY: Does your loved one worry whether all the items in the refrigerator are all fresh - best before dates are current?


    SAFETY: Do you feel your loved one lives in an unsafe environment?


    LAUNDRY: Does your loved one struggle with changing their bed sheets? Or doing their own laundry?


    TRANSPORT: Has driving become difficult, uncertain or scary?


    SAFETY: Do you feel your loved ones reflexes and decision making have slowed?


    SAFETY: Do you or family or friends worry about your loved one living alone?


    LONELINESS: Does your loved one wish that sometimes they just had another person to share some time with?


    MEMORY: Does your loved one come away from a doctor’s appointment unsure of what they have been told by the medical staff?


    SAFETY: Does arthritis, heart disease, or other health issue create difficulties for mobility or concerns about falls?


    CLEANING: Does your loved one struggle with completing tasks, such as cleaning the tub, vacuuming, shopping?


    OVERALL: Would you say that your loved one is unhappy with the way they are living life?


    MEDS: Does your loved one sometimes get mixed up regarding when to take medications?


    MEDS: Is your loved one confused about why they need to take certain medications?

    Your Name*:

    Family Member Name(if different than above):

    Your Phone*:

    Your Email*:

    Any Additional Comments?:

    * - Required fields

    At Your Service for Seniors