Introducing the At Your Service for Seniors Family Portal
Care and Security in the Digital World
At Your Service for Seniors provides care for our seniors in the digital world! We are partnered with a cloud based company, Alayacare, so all of our visits, records, notes and more are in the cloud online in real time! Alayacare includes an option for clients, families and friends to access this information via a secure, HIPAA- compliant online Family Portal. This password protected portal enables clients and their families to stay closely connected to Associates and be actively engaged in care planning. Whether you are the client receiving care, a loved one of the client, or a health professional working with the client, you can use the family portal to:
- view scheduled visits
- request visits or service changes
- read about activities, see pictures of the client
- learn about and write reviews for Associates (caregivers)
- complete forms from the At Your Service for Seniors
- view the invoice and statement and much more.
As a client you will see the Associates clock in and out of visits on their smartphones as well as record information about outings, shopping, purchases to be reimbursed, care activities, incident reports and much more! They may be asking you to initial the screen at the end of their visit.
If you don’t already have access to the Family Portal, just ask one of the Admin team. If you are already connected, click on the “Family Portal Login” button on this page to log onto your desired site.
The Family Portal can be accessed using all modern browsers on all devices (Desktop, Tablet and mobile).